Chinese translation for "builded an altar unto the lord"
- 为耶和华筑了一座坛
Related Translations:
altar: n.1.祭坛;圣餐台;圣坛。2.(干船坞的)台阶。短语和例子lead (a woman) to the altar 娶(某女),与(某女)结婚。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | And noah builded an altar unto the lord ; and took of every clean beast , and of every clean fowl , and offered burnt offerings on the altar 挪亚给耶和华筑了一座祭坛,拿各样洁净的牲畜和飞禽,献在祭坛上作为燔祭。 | | 2. | And build an altar unto the lord thy god upon the top of this rock , in the ordered place , and take the second bullock , and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the grove which thou shalt cut down 26在这磐石(原文作保障)上整整齐齐地为耶和华你的神筑一座坛,将第二只牛献为燔祭,用你所砍下的木偶作柴。 |
- Similar Words:
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